This Grant scenario was chosen because it felt vaguely more appropriate to the period than some others but I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I didn't recognize the vague similarity to the "battle" of Fish Creek until after the game had started. Good choice by instinct!
Deadground: Game 2, using the Square Brigadier.
(The fun one, the one I'm counting!)
The Canadians advance, 5th Royal Highlanders to the left, Hochelaga Fusiliers to the right, guns in the center and mounted troops flanking on the right. Their objective is to take the farms visible on the ridge in the distance by the end of turn 15. As the troops reach the row of squares at the far edge of the first hill they discover the hidden stream and the enemy hiding in ambush. Troops in the gully may only shoot or be shot at troops on the edge. The artillery for example can only see the far ridge.
The lead companies of the Fusiliers are hit hard and have to pull back to rally covered by the reserve companies. The Highlanders push forward but are caught in a heavy crossfire of 5's and 6's and are also thrown back. The mounted contingent however finds an opening on the right and the cavalry push forward covered by fire from dismounted Scouts.
Turn 15. The line has stabilised and the Fusiliers have pushed forward under General Centerton's command and have taken one of the farms but losses have been heavy, the fight is far from over and the sun is sinking low. The General must get his men and especially his wounded back to the laager and safety before night falls. Reluctantly he orders a retreat but the war is NOT over. They will be back!
Wishing a happy 2016 to you all!
See you in the New Year!