Monday, May 4, 2020

Back to the French Rev...Ahh..R2? (update)

R2..You're showing the wrong picture!

Beep whirr zip Beep!

Oh alright.  Today I bit two bullets and cut down the new Foam Core Colonial bases so they will fit in the armoured trains, lorries, sangars, houses, path up the mountain etc,  AND  I repainted my Scruby Colonial British from Red to Khaki so they can join in my early 20thC games.

Later I'll post about the upcoming AGW French Revolution test game. Happy R2?

May the Fourth be with you!


There seem to be a few people who have been deceived into thinking I've built my 40mm hill fort. Alas it is just a few old 25mm bits made from foam core and orange crates etc, the village part being some 30 years old, arranged to look like a fort. 

 A 40mm fort IS coming! Hopefully this year.


  1. Nice photo Ross- Are your 'Scruby' Colonial Brits 30mm? Just wondering- terribly nice though. Cheers. KEV.

    1. These are all 40mm scale. The sepoys are my own homecast figures, most of the rest are Scrubies.

  2. Looking forward to seeing this as I am currently working on 1930s NWF figures in 28mm, waiting patiently ( well not very patiently) for the postman to deliver some reinforcements in the shape of highland infantry, a tankette and a native mortar etc. All the action will take place in Tradgardistan, a far flung and little known corner of a corner of Empire.

  3. Fantastic looking fort Ross, any chance of seeing more pictures of it?

    1. Well, its actually a Faux fort, but it seems a few people have been misled so I just added an aerial view. Hopefully the real one will be built this year.
