Thursday, August 20, 2020

All's Well As Ends Well

 A couple of years ago....ok..ok.. possibly a couple of couple of years ago, I painted some miniatures for a friend. Somehow, one set of them went awol from my desk. I searched high, I searched low, I searched and researched, I looked in the most unlikely places I could think of and then some I hadn't thought of, but no joy, they were AWOL! 

Time passed..... last week I was doing some housekeeping, going through a drawer full of obsolete cables, chargers for long gone devices, adapters, and so on and getting rid of the ones that had no hope of ever being useful again. Amongst them were a couple of tiny boxes with  meaningless codes marked on them. I opened the first one...empty! I opened the second one .. "Hello! You lot are under arrest for desertion!!" Looking at the code closer, it was WRxxx, ah Wars of the Roses.. still, I have no idea how they escaped and hid in there, or how they evaded the various searches! 

25mm medieval pioneers made by Somebodyorother, a stray handgunner by Someone Else and a few ladies who had hoped to make their fortunes at King's Landing.

Still, they have joined 3 other laggards who weren't ready when I handed over the main body and they will all, finally, be handed  over tomorrow.


  1. Very nice miniatures. I'm sure it was worth the wait.

  2. Ah ! another victim of 'wargaming dementia' - I'm glad I'm not the only sufferer !

    1. If only it were that limited! (Or a new thibg with age!)

  3. A good find - the lady in blue seems to be extremely tall - possibly 30mm by a different manufacturer?

    1. There are 3 different makes here but she is taller because she is on a pedestal base. Her fellow handmaiden came with a similar base but, ummh, she misplaced hers.

  4. It happens to all of us...or at least to me too. I wanted to paint some 1/72 figures I’d left in process but had cleaned up from my desk a while back. I had to move nearly every box in the basement to figure out where they had gone. :P

  5. And that is a powerful lot of boxes! But at least they were in a logical place.
