Thursday, September 24, 2020

Stand To!

Time to exercise the troops. The 1794 Battle of Boxtel is similar enough in a vague, generalized way, to the "Blow from the Rear" scenario in One Hour Wargames.  In any case, river crossings, widely spread  "columns" (adhoc divisions), and sudden flank attacks were all common features of the fighting in Flanders.

Of course, once I started deploying the French I realized that the 2 skirmisher units I had counted were actually a single unit deployed as detachments. So, the 4th French infantry unit has now been assembled and primed. Battle will begin once they are painted and varnished.


  1. These fellows do look great on the table,can’t wait to see more...

  2. They look the business on the table , looking forward to seeing them in action .

  3. Great work on these Bicorned chaps Ross. Will there be any cavalry?

    1. There already are, Scots Greys in bicornes and Hussards de la Morte, but there will be more.

  4. Splendid stuff! Better hurry with that painting, and get the 4th into action. Rather like the T-34s in Stalingrad, off the production line and straight into battle!
