Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Adventures of Prince Micheal: Episode 21


After ambushing the marauding Hun Chieftain, Rhuda, (click) and sending him and his men running for the hills, leaving their stolen wagons, supplies, and captives behind, Prince Micheal and the Tribune discussed the situation. The fortified town of Bhelmant still remained in Hun hands as a threat to the region though doubtless in need of supplies and short of men as well. Alas there were not enough men or time to either storm the walls or lay siege. The Prince suggested a daring plan.

A few days later, the overdue Hun convoy finally approached the town with the Roman cavalry in hot pursuit. The garrison opened the gates while archers rushed to the walls. When the second cart was part way through, a wheel suddenly fell, tipping the carts over and blocking the open gates from closing.

It was a trick! The Captain of the garrison ordered the archers on the wall to shoot down the imposters! 

Inside, the guards who had opened the gates were caught by surprise as the drivers suddenly transformed themselves into warriors and attacked, sword in hand. 

Calling to his swordsmen to follow him, the Hun Captain raced down the ladder. His guards were cut down as Roman horsemen leapt their horses over the cart and entered the town but undeterred, the Captain engaged the enemy on his own. 

As more of the garrison raced to the gate, cutting down several of the attackers and driving others back out the gate, it looked like the gamble had failed and that the Micheal himself might not survive. Suddenly, the Roman Tribune leapt his horse over the cart and faced 5 enemies by himself! 

The fighting raged with losses on both sides but as the Tribune's infantry finally poured through the gate the Huns suddenly gave way and ran. The Hun Captain was no coward though and stood his ground until Micheal cut him down with a mighty backhand slash.

With Rhuda and his band of Huns routed, and the town freed, it was time for Prince Micheal to head back to Britain.


  1. The alternative plan of leaving a large wooden goat outside tempting the Huns to bring it inside (cunningly filled with boy scout volunteers) appeared too traditional I suppose?

    1. It was thought too tempting and might not make it as far as the enemy's gates unmolested.

  2. Cracking stuff Ross, the Warhammer castle fits well with your soldiers.

  3. Well staged, Ross! Love your action photos.

    1. Thanks, it was fun to play and write up. One day the dice will fail me and I'll have my storytelling skills challanged.

  4. Those stunt doubles earned their pay this week! Ah, the ever-doughty members of the Stuntmen's Association: always the unsung heroes of such rogueish monkeyshines.

    1. Stunt doubles? Who do you think is funding this? Luckily, the extras at least are easily replaced.

  5. Well done Ross! Your wonderful pictures really bring the action to life!

  6. Cracking stuff, as they say!
    Does a great job of bringing that Prince Valiant vibe.

  7. Just the kind of ripping yarn one needs at the start of another week! Terrific!

  8. I must confess I am only vaguely acquainted with Prince Valiant, but this made for a wonderful read!

    1. No knowledge need. The old time strips are merely background inspiration for games and the reports.

  9. Great Skirmish Ross! I could see your photos accompanying a set of Published Rules- it'd all go well for you.
