Friday, February 19, 2021

The Quiet of the Morning is Broken

Dawn has just broken and the night watch is sleepy and ready to be relieved. The convoy of supplies is overdue and the garrison that Rhuda left in the town is getting hungry. Where is the convoy and where is Rhuda with the cavalry?

A shout comes from the gatehouse guards: "The wagons! The wagons are here!"

"They are being chased! Archers to the walls! Open the gates!"

From atop the wall the Captain of the Guard suddenly frowns. "Why are they carrying ladders when they could have loaded more food? Why is no one on either side being hit when arrows are flying to and fro and how are those oxen outrunning the cavalry?"

To be continued...

(Oops, 2 posts in one day please check the previous post for a bit about my childhood discovery of Prince Valiant and a peek at some older and newer publications.)


  1. Could this be a Prince Valiant adventure?

  2. That’s the weekly shop finished once more.

  3. Is this what they call a Ruda awakening?

    1. BOOOO!!!!!! Something very fishy is happening for sure.

    2. One can't help feeling that the camera crews would not have turned up if it was an ordinary day...

  4. You'll notice that they made sure that the large keg was the first item to enter the fort! They have their priorities straight! I look forward to the next installment!
