Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Coming Up To Strength

Its a convoluted, boring, and largely irrelevent  tale as to why my 1790's cavalry are all in 6 man units at the moment, but they are, well......except for my one unit of Mamlukes.

Conversion done and figures primed.

I had already started the conversion of the last two when I decided that I need to get the Turks on the table...NOW!  Well, before I could get too distarcted by evil thoughts of changing the organization of all my 1790's troops, I decided that I should get the Mamlukes up to the standard 6 figures and then play a game.  


  1. A great dynamic squadron of Sipahis.

    1. They are a nice change from disciplined, unifomed regulars in one pose.

  2. More Mameluke Cavalry?…
    Nothing whatsoever wrong with that 😁.

    All the best. Aly

  3. "Its a convoluted, boring, and largely irrelevent tale". Perhaps. But that kind of thing fascinates me as I constantly toy with different organizations, basing, etc. both on paper and in reality, so I would like to vote for hearing the tale at some point if you feel like writing it up.

    1. Be careful what you wish wasn't even one of my serious inner debates on representing historical organizations... still since you've asked...
