Friday, August 16, 2024

As The Turns Go By

I managed 3 turns today. There would have been several more if I hadn't been seduced by a comfy lawn chair under the sun umbrella, but the extra snooze was probably good for me. 

All units on table, though some are barely on the table. 
Biggest event was the French artillery forgetting to adjust their elevation or something, and missing.

To be continued.


  1. Sadly a spell of fine weather has curtailed my gaming - gardening beckons , nice to see these golden oldie figures on the table again .

  2. Sitting in the garden on a sunny day really has to take precedence. Apart from anything else, one can get real satisfaction from noting all the gardening jobs which have been successfully put off.

    1. My current project is to integrate our yard better with the surrounding woods and hayfields so the deer etc will feel even more at home.

  3. For want of a comfy chair and a snooze the battle was lost.

    1. This is one of the reasons I never made it to General.....
